Com um quê...


Takes me a lifetime to forget you
The way you look drives me mad
You almost kill me with your look
So strong, now let’s see
I want to see!
Let’s get close, so close
I’m getting closer!
Just hold that thought

Nothing really matter’s now
The way you sound
The unnatural, the unbelievable
Consequences of a perfect woman
That takes me away
To the water and the air
The air I can’t breathe
I’ll just hold my breath

Beneath my feet there’s only air
So I guess I’m flying
Can only see the horizon
Separating the land and sea
Re-born between the gap
Make the world a better place
With your inner light
That burns my eyes

But I’ll just hold
I’ll just wait for you
Even until you’re old
I’ll take you by the hand
To visit some place new
To see the sunset, to feel the breeze
To watch the colours and shapes
To love the world!

It really is you after all
I can’t see you but I know
I know you’re there!
But maybe it’s not you
So, who am I holding?
It can only be you!
I know it for sure
It’s you I’m kissing…

1 Responses to “You”

  1. # Blogger Mafi

    Bem, o que é que é suposto eu dizer... já li... ok... está giro... ainda me has-de explicar o que raio queres tu dizer com estas coisas...
    very nice...oh yes  

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